This is the doxygen documentation for gtkboard.

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00001 /*  This file is a part of gtkboard, a board games system.
00002     Copyright (C) 2003, Arvind Narayanan <>
00004     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00005     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00006     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
00007     (at your option) any later version.
00009     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00010     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00012     GNU General Public License for more details.
00014     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00015     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
00016     Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111 USA
00018 */
00019 #include <stdio.h>
00020 #include <stdlib.h>
00021 #include <string.h>
00022 #include <assert.h>
00023 #include <gdk/gdkkeysyms.h>
00025 #include "game.h"
00026 #include "aaball.h"
00028 #define OTHELLO_CELL_SIZE 55
00029 #define OTHELLO_NUM_PIECES 2
00031 #define OTHELLO_BOARD_WID 8
00032 #define OTHELLO_BOARD_HEIT 8
00034 char othello_colors[6] = {200, 200, 200, 140, 140, 140};
00036 int othello_init_pos [OTHELLO_BOARD_WID*OTHELLO_BOARD_HEIT] = 
00037 {
00038         0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0  ,
00039         0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0  ,
00040         0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0  ,
00041         0 , 0 , 0 , 2 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0  ,
00042         0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 2 , 0 , 0 , 0  ,
00043         0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0  ,
00044         0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0  ,
00045         0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0  ,
00046 };
00048 #define OTHELLO_WP 1
00049 #define OTHELLO_BP 2
00050 #define OTHELLO_EMPTY 0
00053 int othello_getmove (Pos *, int, int, GtkboardEventType, Player, byte **, int **);
00054 int othello_getmove_kb (Pos *pos, int key, Player player, byte **movp, int **rmovp);
00055 void othello_init ();
00056 ResultType othello_who_won (Pos *, Player, char **);
00057 ResultType othello_eval (Pos *, Player, float *);
00058 ResultType othello_eval_incr (Pos *, Player, byte *, float *);
00059 byte * othello_movegen (Pos *);
00060 char ** othello_get_pixmap (int, int);
00061 guchar *othello_get_rgbmap (int, int);
00062 gboolean othello_use_incr_eval (Pos *pos, Player player);
00065         OTHELLO_NUM_PIECES, 
00066         othello_colors, othello_init_pos, NULL, "Othello", othello_init};
00069 void othello_init ()
00070 {
00071         game_getmove = othello_getmove;
00072         game_getmove_kb = othello_getmove_kb;
00073         game_who_won = othello_who_won;
00074         game_eval = othello_eval;
00075         game_eval_incr = othello_eval_incr;
00076         game_use_incr_eval = othello_use_incr_eval;
00077         game_movegen = othello_movegen;
00078         game_get_rgbmap = othello_get_rgbmap;
00079         game_white_string = "Red";
00080         game_black_string = "Blue";
00081         game_file_label = FILERANK_LABEL_TYPE_ALPHA;
00082         game_rank_label = FILERANK_LABEL_TYPE_NUM | FILERANK_LABEL_DESC;
00083         game_doc_about = 
00084                 "Othello\n"
00085                 "Two player game\n"
00086                 "Status: Fully implemented (but AI needs improvement)\n"
00087                 "URL: "GAME_DEFAULT_URL ("othello");
00088         game_doc_rules = 
00089                 "Othello rules\n"
00090                 "\n"
00091                 "Two players take turns in placing balls of either color. The objective is to get as many balls of your color as possible.\n"
00092                 "\n"
00093                 "When you place a ball in such a way that two of your balls sandwich one or more of the opponent's balls along a line (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal), then the sandwiched balls change to your color. You must move in such a way that at least one switch happens.\n"
00094                 "\n"
00095                 "If you don't have a move, you pass by hitting space or clicking on an empty square."
00096                 ;
00097         game_doc_strategy = 
00098                 "Othello tips\n"
00099                 "\n"
00100                 "The number of balls of either color at a given time is, paradoxically, a _very_ poor indicator of who has the advantage. This is because balls can flip color en masse and wildly, especially during the last few moves.\n"
00101                 "\n"
00102                 "Indeed, in the beginning you should try to minimize the number of balls you have. The key is mobility. You must strive to maximize your number of legal moves so that you can try to force your opponent into making bad moves.\n"
00103                 "\n"
00104                 "The corners are key squares, because corner balls never flip. If your opponent blunders into giving you a corner before the final stages of the game, you are practically assured of a win.\n";
00105 }
00107 char ** othello_get_pixmap (int idx, int color)
00108 {
00109         int fg, bg, i;
00110         char *colors;
00111         static char pixbuf[OTHELLO_CELL_SIZE*(OTHELLO_CELL_SIZE)+1];
00112         colors = othello_colors;
00113         fg = (idx == OTHELLO_WP ? 0xee << 16 : 0xee);
00114         if (color == BLACK) colors += 3;
00115         for(i=0, bg=0;i<3;i++) 
00116         { int col = colors[i]; if (col<0) col += 256; bg += col * (1 << (16-8*i));}
00117         return pixmap_ball_gen(55, pixbuf, fg, bg, 17.0, 30.0);
00118 }
00120 guchar *othello_get_rgbmap (int idx, int color)
00121 {
00122         static guchar rgbbuf[3*OTHELLO_CELL_SIZE*OTHELLO_CELL_SIZE];
00123         int fg, bg, i;
00124         char *colors;
00125         colors = othello_colors;
00126         fg = (idx == OTHELLO_WP ? 0xee << 16 : 0xee);
00127         if (color == BLACK) colors += 3;
00128         for(i=0, bg=0;i<3;i++) 
00129         { int col = colors[i]; if (col<0) col += 256; bg += col * (1 << (16-8*i));}
00130         rgbmap_ball_shadow_gen(55, rgbbuf, fg, bg, 17.0, 30.0, 3);
00131         return rgbbuf;
00132 }
00134 static int incx[] = { -1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1};
00135 static int incy[] = { -1, 0, 1, -1, 1, -1, 0, 1};
00137 static int get_sandwich_len (Pos *pos, int x0, int y0, int dx, int dy, byte player)
00138 {
00139         int x = x0 + dx, y = y0+dy, len=0;
00140         byte state;
00141         for (; x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < board_wid && y < board_heit; 
00142                         x+=dx, y+=dy, len++)
00143         {
00144                 if ((state = pos->board[y * board_wid + x]) == 0)
00145                         return -1;
00146                 else if (state == player)
00147                         return len;
00148         }
00149         return -1;
00150 }
00152 // does player have a move in this position
00153 static gboolean hasmove (Pos *pos, Player player)
00154 {
00155         int i, x, y, found = FALSE;
00156         for (x=0; x<board_wid && !found; x++)
00157                 for (y=0; y<board_heit && !found; y++)
00158                 {
00159                         if (pos->board [y * board_wid + x] != OTHELLO_EMPTY)
00160                                 continue;
00161                         for (i=0; i<8; i++)
00162                         {
00163                                 if (get_sandwich_len (pos, x, y ,incx[i], incy[i], 
00164                                                 player == WHITE ? OTHELLO_WP : OTHELLO_BP) > 0)
00165                                 {
00166                                         found = TRUE;
00167                                         break;
00168                                 }
00169                         }
00170                 }
00171         return found;
00172 }
00174 int othello_getmove_kb (Pos *pos, int key, Player player, byte **movp, int **rmovp)
00175 {
00176         static byte move[1];
00177         if (key != GDK_space) return -1;
00178         if (hasmove (pos, player)) return -1;
00179         move[0] = -1;
00180         *movp = move;
00181         return 1;       
00182 }
00184 int othello_getmove (Pos *pos, int x, int y, GtkboardEventType type, Player to_play, 
00185                 byte **movp, int ** rmovep)
00186 {
00187         int i, j, sw_len, found=0;
00188         static byte move[128];
00189         byte *temp = move;
00190         byte our   = to_play == WHITE ? OTHELLO_WP : OTHELLO_BP;
00191         if (type != GTKBOARD_BUTTON_RELEASE)
00192                 return 0;
00193         if (pos->board [y * board_wid + x] != OTHELLO_EMPTY)
00194                 return -1;
00195         for (i=0; i<8; i++)
00196         {
00197                 sw_len = get_sandwich_len (pos, x, y ,incx[i], incy[i], 
00198                                 to_play == WHITE ? OTHELLO_WP : OTHELLO_BP);
00199                 if (sw_len > 0) found = 1;
00200                 for (j=1; j<=sw_len; j++)
00201                 {
00202                         *temp++ = x + incx[i] * j;
00203                         *temp++ = y + incy[i] * j;
00204                         *temp++ = our;
00205                 }               
00206         }
00207         if (!found)
00208         {
00209                 if (hasmove (pos, to_play)) return -1;
00210                 *temp++ = -1;
00211                 *movp = move;
00212         }
00213         *temp++ = x;
00214         *temp++ = y;
00215         *temp++ = our;
00216         *temp++ = -1;
00217         *movp = move;
00218         return 1;
00219 }
00221 ResultType othello_who_won (Pos *pos, Player to_play, char **commp)
00222 {
00223         static char comment[32];
00224         int i, wscore = 0, bscore = 0, who_idx ,x, y;
00225         char *who_str [3] = { "Red won", "Blue won", "its a tie" };
00226         int found = 0;
00227         for (i=0; i<board_wid * board_heit; i++)
00228                 if (pos->board[i] == OTHELLO_WP)
00229                         wscore++;
00230                 else if (pos->board[i] == OTHELLO_BP)
00231                         bscore++;
00232         if (! (wscore == 0 || bscore == 0 
00233                                 || wscore + bscore == board_wid * board_heit))
00234         {
00235                 snprintf (comment, 32, "%d : %d", wscore, bscore);
00236                 *commp = comment;
00237                 return RESULT_NOTYET;
00238         }
00239         if (wscore > bscore) who_idx = 0;
00240         else if (wscore < bscore) who_idx = 1;
00241         else who_idx = 2;
00242         snprintf (comment, 32, "%s (%d : %d)", who_str [who_idx], wscore, bscore);
00243         *commp = comment;
00244         if (wscore > bscore)
00245                 return RESULT_WHITE;
00246         if (wscore < bscore)
00247                 return RESULT_BLACK;
00248         return RESULT_TIE;
00249 }
00251 byte * othello_movegen (Pos *pos)
00252 {
00253         int i, j, x, y, sw_len;
00254         byte movbuf [4096];
00255         byte *movlist, *movp = movbuf;
00256         Player player = pos->player;
00257         byte our = player == WHITE ? OTHELLO_WP : OTHELLO_BP;
00258         gboolean game_over = TRUE;
00259         for (x=0; x<board_wid; x++)
00260                 for (y=0; y<board_wid; y++)
00261                 {
00262                         gboolean found = FALSE;
00263                         if (pos->board [y * board_wid + x] != OTHELLO_EMPTY)
00264                                 continue;
00265                         game_over = FALSE;
00266                         for (i=0; i<8; i++)
00267                         {
00268                                 sw_len = get_sandwich_len (pos, x, y ,incx[i], incy[i], 
00269                                                 player == WHITE ? OTHELLO_WP : OTHELLO_BP);
00270                                 if (sw_len > 0) found = TRUE;
00271                                 for (j=1; j<=sw_len; j++)
00272                                 {
00273                                         *movp++ = x + incx[i] * j;
00274                                         *movp++ = y + incy[i] * j;
00275                                         *movp++ = our;
00276                                 }               
00277                         }
00278                         if (!found)
00279                                 continue;
00280                         *movp++ = x;
00281                         *movp++ = y;
00282                         *movp++ = our;
00283                         *movp++ = -1;
00284                 }
00285         /* if we want to pass, we must return an empty move, NOT no move */
00286         if (movp == movbuf && !game_over)
00287                 *movp++ = -1;
00288         *movp++ = -2;
00289         movlist = (byte *) (malloc (movp - movbuf));
00290         memcpy (movlist, movbuf, (movp - movbuf));
00291         return movlist;
00292 }
00294 static float othello_eval_count (Pos *pos)
00295 {
00296         int i, sum=0;
00297         for (i=0; i<board_wid * board_heit; i++)
00298                 if (pos->board [i] == OTHELLO_WP)
00299                         sum++;
00300                 else if (pos->board [i] == OTHELLO_BP)
00301                         sum--;
00302         return sum;
00303 }
00305 static int othello_eval_mobility_count (Pos *pos, int color)
00306 {
00307         int i, x, y, found, sum = 0;
00308         byte our = (color == WHITE ? OTHELLO_WP : OTHELLO_BP);
00309         for (x=0; x<board_wid; x++)
00310                 for (y=0; y<board_heit; y++)
00311                 {
00312                         if (pos->board [y * board_wid + x] != our)
00313                                 continue;
00314                         found = 0;
00315                         for (i=0; i<8; i++)
00316                                 if (get_sandwich_len (pos, x, y ,incx[i], incy[i], our) > 0)
00317                                 {
00318                                         found = 1;
00319                                         break;
00320                                 }
00321                         if (found)
00322                                 sum++;
00323                 }
00324         return sum;
00325 }
00327 static float othello_eval_mobility (Pos *pos)
00328 {
00329         return othello_eval_mobility_count (pos, WHITE) - 
00330                 othello_eval_mobility_count (pos, BLACK);
00331 }
00334 static float othello_eval_liberty (Pos *pos)
00335 {
00336         int i, j, k;
00337         int liberty = 0;
00338         for (i=0; i<board_wid; i++)
00339         for (j=0; j<board_heit; j++)
00340         {
00341                 if (pos->board [j * board_wid + i] != OTHELLO_EMPTY)
00342                         continue;
00343                 for (k=0; k<8; k++)
00344                 {
00345                         int x = i + incx[k], y = j + incy[k];
00346                         int val;
00347                         if (!ISINBOARD (x, y)) continue;
00348                         if ((val = pos->board [y * board_wid + x]) == OTHELLO_EMPTY)
00349                                 continue;
00350                         liberty += (val == OTHELLO_WP ? -1 : 1);
00351                 }
00352         }
00353         return liberty;
00354 }
00356 static int othello_eval_num_moves (Pos *pos)
00357 {
00358         int i, sum=0;
00359         for (i=0; i<board_wid * board_heit; i++)
00360                 if (pos->board [i] != OTHELLO_EMPTY)
00361                         sum++;
00362         return sum;
00363 }
00365 enum { SAFE, UNSAFE, UNKNOWN };
00367 static byte * safe_cached;
00370 /* TODO recursion sucks. reimplement this */
00371 static int othello_eval_is_safe (Pos *pos, int x, int y, byte our)
00372 {
00373         if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= board_wid || y >= board_heit)
00374                 return SAFE;
00375         if (pos->board [y * board_wid + x] != our)
00376                 { return (safe_cached [y * board_wid + x] = UNSAFE);}
00377         if (safe_cached [y * board_wid + x] != UNKNOWN)
00378                 return safe_cached [y * board_wid + x];
00380         /* crucial to avoid infinite recursion */
00381         safe_cached [y * board_wid + x] = UNSAFE;
00382         if (othello_eval_is_safe (pos, x - 1, y - 1, our) == UNSAFE
00383                         && othello_eval_is_safe (pos, x + 1, y + 1, our) == UNSAFE)
00384                 { return (safe_cached [y * board_wid + x] = UNSAFE);}
00385         if (othello_eval_is_safe (pos, x + 1, y - 1, our) == UNSAFE
00386                         && othello_eval_is_safe (pos, x - 1, y + 1, our) == UNSAFE)
00387                 { return (safe_cached [y * board_wid + x] = UNSAFE);}
00388         if (othello_eval_is_safe (pos, x - 1, y, our) == UNSAFE
00389                         && othello_eval_is_safe (pos, x + 1, y, our) == UNSAFE)
00390                 { return (safe_cached [y * board_wid + x] = UNSAFE);}
00391         if (othello_eval_is_safe (pos, x, y - 1, our) == UNSAFE
00392                         && othello_eval_is_safe (pos, x, y + 1, our) == UNSAFE)
00393                 { return (safe_cached [y * board_wid + x] = UNSAFE);}
00394         return (safe_cached [y * board_wid + x] = SAFE);
00395 }
00397 static float othello_eval_safe (Pos *pos)
00398 {
00399         int i, x, y, sum=0;
00400         if (pos->board [0 * board_wid + 0] == OTHELLO_EMPTY &&
00401                 pos->board [0 * board_wid + 7] == OTHELLO_EMPTY &&
00402                 pos->board [7 * board_wid + 0] == OTHELLO_EMPTY &&
00403                 pos->board [7 * board_wid + 7] == OTHELLO_EMPTY )
00404                 return 0;
00405         safe_cached = (byte *) malloc (board_wid * board_heit);
00406         assert (safe_cached);
00407         for (i=0; i<board_wid * board_heit; i++)
00408                 safe_cached [i] = UNKNOWN;
00410         for (x=0; x<board_wid; x++)
00411                 for (y=0; y<board_heit; y++)
00412                         if (pos->board [y * board_wid + x] == OTHELLO_WP &&
00413                                         othello_eval_is_safe (pos, x, y, OTHELLO_WP) == SAFE)
00414                                 sum++;
00415                         else if (pos->board [y * board_wid + x] == OTHELLO_BP &&
00416                                         othello_eval_is_safe (pos, x, y, OTHELLO_BP) == SAFE)
00417                                 sum --;
00418         free (safe_cached);
00419         return sum;             
00420 }
00422 /*static float othello_eval_dangerous (Pos *pos)
00423 {
00424         int i, j;
00425         float danger = 0;
00426         for (i=1; i<=6; i+=5)
00427         for (j=1; j<=6; j+=5)
00428         {
00429                 if (pos->board[j * board_wid + i] == OTHELLO_WP) danger++;
00430                 else if (pos->board[j * board_wid + i] == OTHELLO_BP) danger--;
00431         }
00432         for (i=1; i<=6; i+=5)
00433         for (j=0; j<=7; j+=7)
00434         {
00435                 if (pos->board[j * board_wid + i] == OTHELLO_WP) danger += 0.3;
00436                 else if (pos->board[j * board_wid + i] == OTHELLO_BP) danger -= 0.3;
00437         }
00438         for (i=0; i<=7; i+=7)
00439         for (j=1; j<=6; j+=5)
00440         {
00441                 if (pos->board[j * board_wid + i] == OTHELLO_WP) danger += 0.3;
00442                 else if (pos->board[j * board_wid + i] == OTHELLO_BP) danger -= 0.3;
00443         }
00444         return -danger;         
00445 }*/
00447 static float othello_eval_material (Pos *pos)
00448 {
00449         int i, material = 0;
00450         for (i=0; i<board_wid * board_heit; i++)
00451         {
00452                 if (pos->board[i] == OTHELLO_WP)
00453                         material++;
00454                 else if (pos->board[i] == OTHELLO_BP)
00455                         material--;
00456         }
00457         return material;
00458 }
00460 static float othello_eval_weights (Pos *pos)
00461 {
00462         static int weights [4][4] = 
00463         {
00464                 { 500, -240, 85, 69 },
00465                 { 0  , -130, 49, 23 },
00466                 { 0  ,    0,  1,  9 },
00467                 { 0  ,    0,  0, 32 },
00468         };
00470         int i, j, wtsum = 0;
00472         for (i=0; i<board_wid; i++)
00473         for (j=0; j<board_heit; j++)
00474         {
00475                 int val = pos->board[j * board_wid + i];
00476                 int x = i, y = j;
00477                 if (val == OTHELLO_EMPTY)
00478                         continue;
00479                 if (x > 3) x = 7-x;
00480                 if (y > 3) y = 7-y;
00481                 if (x > y)  {int tmp = y; y = x; x = tmp;}
00482                 wtsum += weights [x][y] * (val == OTHELLO_WP ? 1 : -1);
00483         }
00484         return wtsum;   
00485 }
00487 ResultType othello_eval (Pos *pos, Player player, float *eval)
00488 {
00489         int i;
00490         gboolean found;
00491         assert (board_wid == 8 && board_heit == 8);
00493         if (pos->num_moves >= 64)
00494         {
00495                 for (i=0, found=FALSE; i<board_wid*board_heit; i++)
00496                         if (pos->board [i] == OTHELLO_EMPTY) {found = TRUE; break;}
00497                 if (!found)
00498                 {
00499                         *eval = othello_eval_material (pos);
00500                         *eval *= GAME_EVAL_INFTY;
00501                         if (*eval > 0) return RESULT_WHITE;
00502                         if (*eval < 0) return RESULT_BLACK;
00503                         return RESULT_NOTYET;
00504                 }
00505         }
00507         *eval = 
00508                 10 * othello_eval_liberty (pos) 
00509                 //10 * othello_eval_mobility (pos) 
00510                 + 100 * othello_eval_safe (pos) 
00511                 + othello_eval_weights (pos);
00512         return RESULT_NOTYET;
00513 }
00515 ResultType othello_eval_incr (Pos *pos, Player player, byte *move, float *eval)
00516 {
00517         int i;
00518         for (i=0; move[3*i] != -1; i++)
00519                 ;
00520         if (i == 0) 
00521                 *eval = 0;
00522         else
00523                 *eval = (player == WHITE ? (2 * i - 1) : - (2 * i - 1));
00524         return RESULT_NOTYET;
00525 }
00527 gboolean othello_use_incr_eval (Pos *pos, Player player)
00528 {
00529         return pos->num_moves > 50 ? TRUE : FALSE;
00530 }