This is the doxygen documentation for gtkboard.

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MoveInfo Struct Reference

The move and all the info. associated with it. More...

#include <game.h>

Data Fields

byte* move
 The move. More...

int* rmove
 (Only client side) the rendering info. associated with this move.

gchar* custom
 Any game-specific custom information associated with this move. More...

gchar* help_message
 (Only client side) Help message.

gchar* human_readable
 The human-readable version of the move eg: "e4" in chess.

Detailed Description

The move and all the info. associated with it.

Definition at line 111 of file game.h.

Field Documentation

gchar * MoveInfo::custom

Any game-specific custom information associated with this move.

The purpose of having this is that it will be sent from UI to engine and engine to UI

Definition at line 123 of file game.h.

gchar * MoveInfo::help_message

(Only client side) Help message.

Definition at line 126 of file game.h.

gchar * MoveInfo::human_readable

The human-readable version of the move eg: "e4" in chess.

Definition at line 129 of file game.h.

byte * MoveInfo::move

The move.

This is a sequence of the form [x_1, y_1, v_1, x_2, y_2, v_2, ... x_n, y_n, v_n, -1] where [x_i, y_i, v_i] says that the value of the square (x_i, y_i) should change to v_i.

Definition at line 117 of file game.h.

int * MoveInfo::rmove

(Only client side) the rendering info. associated with this move.

Definition at line 120 of file game.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: